Campus Reopening 2020

CAMPUS REOPENING 2020 Information

Quick Links  
Health Screening

Parents and students are expected to fill out the health screening form each day for each student, before coming to campus.  The health screening is accessible with this link or with the QR code:

  • March 29, 2021: K-2 return to campus
  • April 12, 2021: 3-5 return to campus
What to bring each day
  • 2 Face coverings*
  • Personal hand sanitizer*
  • Personal refillable water bottle

* these items will also be available at school.

Drop-off Map 

Bell Schedule
Keep the school safe!
  • Take BUSD’s Daily Health Screener every school morning. Stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have experienced close contact with a case.
  • Wear a face covering except when eating and drinking.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid sharing objects with classmates.