Distance Learning 2020

Distance Learning 2020 Information

Quick Links  
Remote Learning Tech FAQ

Tech support resources

Should I be getting texts or notifications from the Remind app?

Remind can be accessed from a phone app or from a website.  After you log in, find the settings page: in the mobile app, click the three lines in the top left, and then the gear.  In the settings page, you can give Remind different ways to contact you (notifications, texts, emails), and turn different types on/off.

My student can’t get into their Zoom class.  What do I do?

Many teachers send their zoom links as part of a daily email or a daily post in Seesaw or Google Classroom.  If the link goes to the wrong class, or asks you for a password, you can check on your teacher’s Clever site (“Teacher X’s Page”) and see if they added the links there.  Otherwise, the best bet is to email your student’s room teacher.

Can I log into Remote Learning from a second computer?

Yes!  On a second computer, you can go to Clever and log in with the same username and password, and access all of the remote learning websites, including any work your student submitted.  Seesaw and Google Classroom also have phone apps.

How can I make Zoom work better?

If you’re having Zoom problems, try moving closer to your WiFi point.  If someone else in the house is streaming video, try turning that off.  You should also check the video settings in Zoom, and make sure “HD Video” is turned off.  If Zoom is still slow, turning video off will help but you should let your classroom teacher know what you’re doing.

Can my Chromebook take photos?

These google instructions talk about how to take pictures with your chromebook.  If that doesn’t work, you can reach out to .

What if my student loses their password?

A BUSD staff member will need to reset your password.  There is no automated process.  You can reach out to your classroom teacher, or contact and request that they reset the password.

When you choose a new password, long passwords are stronger.  To come up with a long password you can remember, try using:

  • Three words, perhaps a color and an animal and a food: redzebraspaghetti (spaces are not allowed in passwords)
  • A lyric from a song or poem
  • A meaningful quote from a movie or speech
  • A passage from a book
  • A series of words that are meaningful to you
  • An abbreviation: Make a password from the first letter of each word in a sentence

Make each password unique:

  • Reusing passwords for important accounts is risky. If someone gets your password for one account, they could access your email, address, and even your money.
  • Tip: If you have trouble remembering your password, learn how to use a tool like your phone to store your password.

Avoid choosing passwords that could be guessed by:

  • Other students who know you
  • People looking at easily accessible info (like your social media profile)

Room Parents: what tools do I have to communicate with my class?

If parents in your class have a google account, you can set up a Google Calendar to track classroom events, or set up a Google Group mailing list for parent discussion.

Google Classroom ‘How To’ Videos for BUSD Families

A team of Berkeley Schools Volunteers spent all summer producing a series of 15 ‘how to’ videos to HELP FAMILIES ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS!  All the videos help families navigate Google Classroom, BUSD’s core 3rd-12th educational platform.

*** The videos are now available here in English and in Spanish!

Durante el verano, un equipo de voluntarios de las escuelas de Berkeley ha producido una serie de 15 videos “Como hacerlo” para ¡AYUDAR A LAS FAMILIAS CON TODAS ESTAS PREGUNTAS! Todos los videos ayudan a las familias a navegar Google Classroom, exploran la plataforma educativa principal de BUSD.

*** ¡Ahora los videos están disponibles aquí en inglés y en español!