What is the PTA? BAM PTA is you: the parents and guardians, teachers and staff of Berkeley Arts Magnet.
It is connecting with other parents to advocate for our kids, and partnering with the principal, teachers, and staff to make BAM the safe, welcoming, and fun hub of learning it is. Each year, the PTA raises ~$200k to support our kids and school.
All you have to do to be a member of the BAM PTA is participate. The PTA doesn’t have any membership dues, but we do need your help! You can find volunteer opportunities here, learn more about our events, or donate to our annual fund here. And stay connected by signing up for BAM Announcements at the top right of this page.
Have great ideas or feedback for the PTA Exec Board? We want to hear it! Please use this BAM PTA Feedback Form. You can also contact .
- President: Heather Mills
- President Elect: Anusha Gupta
- Secretary: Erin Vacca
- Treasurer: Castle Sinicrope
- Treasurer Elect: Candice Liu Wertz
- Parliamentarian: Marion Read
- Historian: Mandisa Leachman
- VP Communication and Outreach: Libby Edelson
- VP Community Building/Events: Genia Gilbert, Vanessa Vega
- VP Fundraising: Sandy Valente
- VP Classroom and Teacher Support: Kianna Reed
- VP Welcoming Families: Mara Greenaway
- VP Justice, Equity and Inclusion: Jen Bloomer
- VP Health and Wellness: Rainbow Rubin
- PTA Council Liaison: Nerissa Huertas
- Teacher Representatives: Adam Weis, Andrea Ambrose, Ruby Palmer Ghose
- Principal: Rene Molina
- Rainbow Families: Kyle Schriner, Kyle McCulloch
- African American Affairs: Kenya Salmond, Deena Mason
- Asian American Affairs: Janice Tanemura, Oanh Vu
- Latinx Affairs: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
- Special Education Family Support: Judit Pap, VOLUNTEER NEEDED
- Safety/Emergency Preparedness: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
- Greening Team: Johanna Silver
- Giving Campaign: Sandy Valente
- BAM JAM Carnival: Danielle Rugo
- Starry Night Auction: Grace Lee
- BAM Runathon: Genia Gilbert
- BAM Readathon: Genia Gilbert
- Food Drive Coordinator: Matthew Green
- PTA After School Enrichment Classes: Annie Nguyen-Bárány
- Rolling Drop Off Coordinator: Carla Kidd
- BAM Directory: Castle Sinicrope
- Thursday News: Sarah Adelman (Lead Editor); Sarah Rosenkrantz; Jane Diamond
- BAM Announcements: Jenn Rubin
- BAM Merchandise Coordinator: Kate Aghevli
- Technology Support: Matthew Green; Martin Alonso
- Golden Sneaker/Walk and Roll to School: VOLUNTEER NEEDED
- Safe Routes to School Events: Jeannette MacMillan
The Berkeley Arts Magnet PTA Bylaws revised in June of 2023.
The Berkeley Arts Magnet PTA bylaws revised in June of 2012.
The Berkeley Arts Magnet PTA bylaws revised in June of 2008.
The School Governance Council is another important (non-PTA) committee at BAM. This group of teachers, staff, and elected parents work to raise the academic performance of students and improve the school’s overall educational program. Members are elected in the fall.