Welcome Back to School

New Family Welcome

Please join us August 24th from 4pm-5pm on the Kindergarten yard to welome all new families to BAM.  You will have a chance to learn more about the first day of school, meet some teachers and PTA members and make new friends. It’s a fun get together where kids can play and families can come together before school begins.

5th Annual End of Summer  BAM BBQ
Please join us for the 5th Annual End of Summer BAM BBQ, Saturday, August 24th from 5:00pm-7:00pm on the BAM Big Yard. This is an opportunity to reconnect with friends, teachers,and the school community. We will be barbecuing hot dogs and   will provide refreshments and other goodies. Hope to see you allthere!!! To ensure we will have plenty of food, it is VERYimportant that you RSVP at